Susanne Westerlund

Photo: Ellen Westerlund.


Susanne Westerlund has a master’s degree in church music, is a certified singer and vocal coach from the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, as well as a certified chamber musician from Kungliga Musikhögskolan (Royal College Of Music) in Stockholm. She has studied conducting for e.g. Timo Nuoranne and Jorma Panula.

During 2010–2022, Westerlund worked as the leading church musician in Korsholm’s Swedish-speaking congregation and as the conductor for the chamber choir Psallite and Korsholm’s chamber orchestra. She has also been the conductor of Västnyländska kammarkören (Länsi-Uusimaa chamber choir).

Nowadays, Westerlund lives in Jakobstad and works as a freelance musician alongside her job as a florist.

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